zplane is having a Black Friday sale. 29% off deCoda, which automatically analyzes chords, tempo, song structure and more

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zplane is having a Black Friday sale.

29% off deCoda, which automatically analyzes chords, tempo, song structure and more.


zplane “deCoda”

deCoda is a stand-alone tool that automatically analyzes and maps chords, tempos, and song structures.

Combine multiple audio technologies for detailed analysis in just seconds.

It is useful for reference analysis, etc. because it only reads the analysis of the song.

zplane technology is used in many of the world’s biggest hits by top artists and producers, and the same know-how is used to enhance de Coda.

Update to V1.1 so that the code can be written out

The changes in V1.1 are as follows.

  • Includes a special version of IK Multimedia’s Amplitube LE and four amp models
  • You can export the deCoda chords as a MIDI file for use in your DAW or music notation software.
  • You can easily create a code sheet by exporting the deCoda code as a Chord Pro file.
  • You can do more, including improved code editing.

Regular price $55 on sale for only $39.


Other deals. zplane 20th Anniversary Sale

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