71% off “KH-COMP1” compressor co-developed by multiple award-winning producer Koen Heldens and Black Rooster Audio

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71% off “KH-COMP1” compressor co-developed by multiple award-winning producer Koen Heldens and Black Rooster Audio.



This compressor plug-in was developed by Black Rooster Audio in collaboration with multi-platinum, award-winning mix engineer, producer and sound enthusiast Koen Heldens.

Koen is an expert in producing some of the best streaming albums in the hip-hop genre.

His go-to tools were missing some fine-tuning, so he was in need of a very specific, bespoke compressor solution, that was like no other on the market today.

His ideas of process timing, channel linking and sidechain filtering have really pushed the team to come up with an entirely new tool.

The result of countless development hours and listening sessions is a one-of-a-kind, beast of a compressor, that is up to the standards of one of the greatest producers of the moment, and that includes the best levelling amplifier that Black Rooster Audio has developed to date.

Regular price $139 on sale for only $39.99.


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