[FREE] Faithfully reproduces the sound of the LinnDrum “LM-2”, Beaotic “LMFree” is now available for free

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Faithfully reproduces the sound of the LinnDrum “LM-2”, Beaotic “LMFree” is now available for free.



The LMFree faithfully reproduces the sound of the LinnDrum “LM-2” – the legendary drum machine which can be heard on countless productions since the early 80s.

The LMFree provides all the sounds found in the original LinnDrum, in the same high quality as in any other Beaotic Kit.

For this kit we wanted to try something a little different.

We’ve laid out the sounds on the keyboard in a way that mimics how the LinnDrum works.

This means that a sound may have two or four different midi notes with different levels.

We actually found that it’s a fun way to play the instrument.

The only limitation compared to other Beaotic kits is that LMFree has fewer sounds, leaving some keys silent.

  • Beaotic kits require the full version of Kontakt 4.2.4 or later.
  • The free Kontakt Player is not supported.


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