[FREE] Collection of big band horns consisting of 6 brass and saxophone instruments, Orchestral Tools “Rotary” is now available for free

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Collection of big band horns consisting of 6 brass and saxophone instruments, Orchestral Tools “Rotary” is now available for free.



Rotary is a collection of big band horns consisting of 6 brass and saxophone instruments: Trumpet Solo, Trumpet Mute Solo, Trombone Solo, Baritone Sax Solo, Saxophone Section, and Brass Section.

Colorful, spirited, and highly playable—these instruments include standard articulations (staccatissimo, marcato long, sustains accented) alongside some unusual brass effects (falls, scoops, shakes).

This collection is curated from a custom library that Hendrik Schwarzer and Sascha Knorr recorded to write the score for a major movie. It’s the precursor to our Glory Days big band collection and was also recorded at the Teldex Scoring Stage in Berlin.

Works with Orchestral Tools’ SINE Player—Very latest version required.


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