Collection the sound of destroy the piano, Cinematique Instruments “Deconstructed Piano” is 30% OFF

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Collection the sound of destroy the piano, Cinematique Instruments “Deconstructed Piano” is 30% OFF.


Deconstructed Piano

Deconstructed Piano: the name explains itself.

We have disassembled a piano to its soundboard and have worked on this in many different ways: we have played, hit, stroke and destructed the piano with a wide range of materials.

We have used a regular piano hammer, different kinds of mallets such as a felt or a woollen ones, screws, plecs, sticks, thumbs and even straws to coax new inspirational harmonic sounds from the instrument.

In order to achieve additional percussive material, we have captured 24 different percussion sounds (recorded in multi round robin variations) which can be easily mixed to the entire piano sound or just be used separately for experimental purposes.

We have also recorded plenty of textures, soundscapes and noises of the piano by scrubbing, hitting or playing the soundboard.

While disassembling the piano we have recorded all that noises of destruction done with a sledgehammer and put this into an extra patch as well as in a special categorise inside the textures patch.

Kontakt 4 full version or higher is required.

Regular price $77.39 on sale for only $54.19.

Deconstructed Piano

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