[FREE] Traditional Chinese plucked zither, SampleScience “Nu Guzheng” is now available for free

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Traditional Chinese plucked zither, SampleScience “Nu Guzheng” is now available for free.


Nu Guzheng

Nu Guzheng is a plugin instrument based on a multi-sampled set of guzheng samples.

This traditional Chinese plucked zither has been recorded in stereo using a pair of Blue spark condenser microphones.

Recorded in 32-bit and downsampled to 24-bit for the plugin version, the end result is clean-sounding and authentic.

  • 1 Chinese Guzheng instrument sound
  • Based on a high-quality 32-bit 44.1 kHz recording
  • Multi-LFO
  • Highpass/lowpass filter
  • Room reverb
  • Amplitude range controls
  • 3 voice modes: polyphonic, monophonic, and legato

Nu Guzheng

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