An improvement to the legendary OTT (Over The Top) compressor, SOUNDSPEAR “Kill The Top” is 76% OFF

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An improvement to the legendary OTT (Over The Top) compressor, SOUNDSPEAR “Kill The Top” is 76% OFF.


Kill The Top

Kill The Top (KTT) is an improvement to the legendary OTT (Over The Top) compressor.

By doubling the frequency bands and including a chained exciter, KTT is even more aggressive while providing more control.

KTT is a 6-bands upwards/downwards compressor.

Multiband compression divides the frequency spectrum into different bands to compress them individually.

Upwards compression boosts the low-intensity dynamics while downwards compression reduces the high-intensity peaks.

Regular price $42.5 on sale for only $9.99.

Kill The Top

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