[FREE] Very creative panning FX for your audio and instrument tracks, Rob Papen “RP-PAN” is available for free

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Very creative panning FX for your audio and instrument tracks, Rob Papen “RP-PAN” is available for free.



From left to right, the center position of the – Rob Papen – brand has always been about creating plugins that think outside of the box whilst being extremely useful at the same time, this of course really ‘pans’ out literally in your music productions!

Yes, with this pun intended in the opening sentence Rob Papen are proud to present you with the free RP-PAN as a gift to help celebrate Rob Papen’s 25th year anniversary!

This top-notch plugin will allow you to use some very creative panning FX on your audio or instrument tracks.

The Panning Sphere can be used to manually record pan movements between left and right in the stereo field.

However, it gets really exciting if you use the ‘Spring back’ feature.

This is tempo-based to let the Sphere revert back to either the Center, Left, or Right positions.

To go beyond the regular panning FX, Rob Papen have also added the Doppler FX option, and to avoid muscle pain if you like to have a constant pan movement, the ‘Lazy Mode’ is also available for automated Panning movements or other more experimental panning FX.

Last but not least Rob Papen have have added the easy-to-use bank manager, and also added a selection of useful presets which always is the cherry on the cake with – Rob Papen – products!


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