[Black Friday Sale] The string physical modelling instrument, to express the delicacy and beauty of stringed sounds, Image Line “Sakura” is 40% OFF

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The string physical modelling instrument, to express the delicacy and beauty of stringed sounds, Image Line “Sakura” is 40% OFF.



This is a string physical modeling sound source that specializes in delicate string sounds, violins, pianos, and other string sound sources, and is reproduced with a physical model.

The biggest feature is the moving sound and unique texture that are not found in the sound source based on the sample.

  • Contact – An impulse, the mechanical contact with the string, is first generated then shaped to simulate plucks, picks, scrapes, hammers, taps or humble fingers.
  • Vibration – Sakura’s dual string model then gives the operator control over a wide range of parameters such as damping, tension, positioning and string properties.
  • String Interaction – The dual strings are then mixed, panned and enveloped to simulate interactions.
  • Resonance – The string/s vibration then interacts with an 8-resonator ‘body simulator’ to create the size, material and shape of the instrument
  • Acoustics – Virtual acoustic space is then simulated with chorus, delay and reverberation effects.

VST support (Win/Mac).

Regular price $83 on sale for only $49.


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Image Line Black Friday Sale

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