[FREE] Collection of over 1000+ snaps, claps, stomps, and thumps, Maz Blanko “Pure Snap Magic” is available for free

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Collection of over 1000+ snaps, claps, stomps, and thumps, Maz Blanko “Pure Snap Magic” is available for free.


Pure Snap Magic

Pure Snap Magic is a collection of over 1000+ snaps, claps, stomps, and thumps, delivered to you in .wav samples for ease of use.

Recorded using over 30 different mics, each pack of snaps, claps, stomps, and thumps contains vastly different tones and timbres.

Within each individual sample folder there are sub folders containing dry hits, layered hits, and effected hits.

No matter what genre you work in, you will never need to record another snap, clap, or stomp again.

Pure Snap Magic

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